Participate in a program of gentle movement, breathing and relaxation exercises shown to reduce the experience of stress and have a positive impact on health and well-being. Get ready for the next moment from a place of clam and clarity. Each 50-minute session provides an opportunity to learn and use gentle BREATH-BODY-MIND™ practices to soothe, balance and strengthen the nervous system. No prior experience needed.
Mondays 12 pm
January 8 through June 24
Registration required – come when you can! Register once for a series and you’ll get a link good through June.
register here:
Westchester Breathes is grounded in the work of Dr. Richard Brown and Dr. Patricia Gerbarg – two clinical psychologists who identified, studied, and teach simple, effective voluntary regulated breathing exercises shown to reduce the experience of stress and increase the ability of the body to self-soothe and heal. Learn about their research, publications and workshops at